
  • Essay / Compare and Contrast the Stanford Prison Experience

    Soldiers mistreated Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Ghraib, 20 miles west of Baghdad. Prisoners were stripped naked, forced to wear bags over their heads and sexually humiliated while guards laughed and took photos. This situation has a lot in common with the Stanford prison experience. In both situations they are very similar. In order for the prisoners in the Stanford Prison Experiment to even use the toilet, they had to be blindfolded so they could not find any escape routes and know the way out. There was a hole in the wall at the end of the "yard" that contained a VCR that recorded everything that happened. Including pornographic and emotional abuse of prisoners. There was also a rumor of an escape that a guard had heard the prisoners talking about. They tied their prisoners together, put bags over their heads and walked them all to a small room until the people suspected of taking them out showed up. In the end, it was just a rumor. No one came to save the prisoners. The way the guards fought back forced the prisoners to perform unethical and disgusting tasks. Their disgusting tasks included forcing prisoners to clean toilets with their own means..