Essay / Cloud Atlas Plot - 943
This story, set in dystopian Korea, is about a "maker" named Sonmi-451. She was genetically engineered to work in a fast food restaurant. It was the only thing she was allowed to do; she was, in a sense, a slave. One evening she saw a lost episode of a television show called The Horrible Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish. She saw Cavendish fighting oppression. This causes him to have rebellious thoughts. With the help of a rebellion commander against current society, she escapes and joins the rebellion. She becomes the face of the rebellion and writes Declarations that tell the horrible truths of today's society. They are very inspiring. The final plot is called Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After (Mitchell, Cloud Atlas). This is the central plot of the novel, and it is the only one that is uninterrupted. This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic future long after Sonmi's time. The natives of this future Hawaii worship the great goddess called Sonmi. Their belief is based on it