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Essay / their income on products and procedures that improve their appearance. We spend far too much time looking in the mirror, scrutinizing, worrying, worrying, and wishing we could change something about ourselves. We dream of looking like the girl at work because she has beautiful hair, or the girl we met at a party because she is skinny and with a perfect nose. This happens because we are constantly bombarded with messages from social media. We watch magazines that show us photoshopped models and television shows featuring actors who spend hours doing their hair and makeup. Every day we see ad campaigns for stores featuring women whose looks are unattainable. Do we subject ourselves to torture because we think outside... middle of paper... outside, but it is just as important to love ourselves inside. There will always be different levels and standards of beauty and not everyone will agree on who is beautiful and who is not. For some people, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many women possess outward beauty, but true, healthy, powerful beauty comes from your heart. Outer beauty may be what attracts a potential partner to you, but it's inner beauty that will make them stay. A confident and independent woman is a force to be reckoned with. Nothing can drag her down or make her doubt herself. Every woman should know that she is beautiful, just as God created her. There will never be another you, so why would you want to be anyone else? Beauty comes in different forms for every woman. Authentic, amazing, exquisite, special and unique: that's who you are and that's beauty.
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