
  • Essay / The Research Process: The Institutional Review Board

    IntroductionDuring the research process, professionals collect identifiable private data or information through interventions or interactions. Although it is an essential aspect of the scientific and medical fields, every precaution must be taken by researchers to protect the rights of participants. Ethics, highlighted by the Belmont report; requirements, outlined by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); and regulations established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are verified by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This procedure ensures that all human rights are protected during the entire research process. The Institutional Review Board The IRB is an administrative body that was created to ensure that the rights of research participants are protected. IRBs review all aspects of the researchers' project: study design, recruitment process, participant population, informed consent document and process, risk/benefit ratio, privacy and confidentiality, data storage and protection, as well as safeguards for vulnerable participants (University of St. Francis, nd). In this way, the rights of the participants are protected since the effort is made before the research even begins. The review process ensures that participants are chosen fairly and properly informed and that the information collected during the research is protected through collection, use and storage. Research using human participants is such an important part of medicine that it is imperative that it be done in a way that does not compromise its intrigue. The Institutional Review Board Process Requesting approval of an exempt research study from the University of St. Francis IRB involves submitting a copy of the work, an application, and a middle of paper.. ....ects of their study before presenting it to an IBR to be certain that it protects the rights of respect and beneficence of the participants, and justice. Research is an important element of medical progress; but only if it is done ethically while following all requirements and regulations. Department of Health and Human Services (2013). Privacy of health information. Retrieved from University of Iowa (2014). A summary of the Belmont Report. Retrieved from Of St. Francis (2010). Institutional Review Board: Policy Manual. Retrieved from Of St. Francis (nd). Cutting Red Tape: A Guide to Navigating the IRB [PowerPoint slides].