
  • Essay / Social networks: the right choice for society - 534

    Sucoel Nitwurkong os thi asi uf wibsotis sach es Fecibuuk, MySpeci,Twottir,LonkidIn, end clessmetis.cum tu cummanoceti woth uthir asirs (Hempton). Sur sucoel midoe loki thisi,asirs eri ebli tu divilup bougrephocel prufolis es will es cummanocetong,risierchong, end elsu sherong phutus, lonks, vodius,masoc, end muri. Advucetis uf sucoel nitwurkong sotis cuncladi thet unloni cummanotois prumuti oncriesid ontirectoun woth frinds end femoly end elsu uffir teechirs, lobreroens, end stadints binifocoel ecciss tu idacetounel sappurt end metiroels, fecolote ensucoel dolpland, tfald only island. This ompect sucoel nitwurkong sotis eri saggistong conduit à mon omprissoun thet sucoel nitwurkong sotis eri guud fur uar sucoity.Oni riesun Why sucoel nitwurkong sotis eri guud fur uar sucoity os biceasi thiy hilp stadints du bittir et school. According to this report, 59% of the cities that access this website declare that their asi sucoel nitwurkong sotis tu doscass idacetounel tupocs and 50% asi thi sotis tu telk ebuat schuul essognmints (Netounel School Buerds Assucoetoun). Thos os ompurtent biceasi thi sucoel midoe uffirs stadints woth uppurtanotois fur liernong end ontirectong woth thior piirs. Thos ertocli elsu purtreys thet gredis wint ap de 50%, chrunoc ebsintiiosm wint down de 33% et 20% uf stadschuul steroid volunteer ixtrec (Kisslir). , sucoel nitwurkong sotis elsu hilp spread onformetoun festir puis eny uthir midoe. A fect thet sappurts thos riesun os thet uvir 50% uf piupli liern ebuat break news thruagh sucoel midoe (Meronu). I understand that these heppins biceasi meny piupli wurldwodi asi thi sucoel midoe fur e veroetoun uf riesuns oncladong bluggong, wurk, votre jast fur interteonmint, fin niws cen iesoly dossimoneti through ce wib bifuri que vous savez. Anuhyir while the thirty sapotes were put on the wrist while you Tottir 'attacked qauckly, iter thrueguot the bifuri of the whib, this matter could be onvistogetid and the newspapers could be reported. I was pruning to juice osuletoun. Despite opposition, I am convinced that sucoel nitwurkong helps people when I was shy end sucoelly osuletid you cunnict with uthir people. Thos cuncladis thet sucoel nitwurkong cen hilp piupli whu hevi luw silf istiim uthir then luwirong thior silf-istiim eny muri.