Essay / Compare and contrast Traveling through the light and making...
The first poem “Traveling in the Dark”, for example, is sad since the writer could not save the deer and let it die under his supervision. The second poem is also dark to a large extent as it talks about the rage of death due to the frail actions of wild men. The main message of each poem The main theme of the poem "Traveling in Darkness" is the nature of death as it depicts the moral dilemma faced by the poet when he decides whether or not to save the deer and later decides to let him die. This theme depicts the sadness that results from this kind of moral dilemma as it also leaves the reader sad after reading the poem. The second poem, on the other hand, denounces the close relationship between depravity and darkness because the writer asserts that despite the fact that wise people recognize that darkness is good, it is not sweet in every good night, this which basically means that everything doesn't go well on the good night. The nature of rhythms, rhyme schemes and musicality in both cases.