Essay / Comparing the Olympic Games from Past to Present:...
The two websites offered, The Penn Museum and PBS, both offer different perspectives on how to present information about the Greek Olympic Games and the Roman Empire. They also act differently as companions to Bentley and Ziegler's Traditions and Encounters text. Both websites were interesting though. I will expand on the content, usefulness, reliability, graphics, and design of each website below. The Penn Museum's site on the Olympic Games in Greece has a well-organized home page that attracts the viewer. He compares, in the first few sentences, see, the similarities between the ancient Olympics and the Olympics of today. As a reader I am already enticed to know more because of the comparisons made, it seems relatable and relatable to me. It is organized into five sections: games, athletes, women, politics and commercialism. Bentley and Ziegler present information about the Olympic Games in very different ways. The information is a small paragraph in the book's chapter on Greece; it doesn't go into detail but rather gives an idea of what the Olympic Games were like. The paragraph simply states that the Olympic Games began in 776 BCE as part of the Panhellenic festivals; he gives a short list of some events and says that the winners were heroes and that it happened every four years. On the other hand, the website contains many details and interesting little tidbits that make the viewer want to know more. The first section, the games, focuses on where the games took place and some common misconceptions about the Olympics regarding the marathon, nudity, and the Olympic flame. The next section, Athletes, discusses athletes and amateurs versus professionals, prizes and awards. I learned that in the middle of a paper......l it's really no use without more information (like a manual). I like being able to compare all three, but ultimately decided that the Penn Museum site was the better of the two sites offered. It offered more information than Bentley and Ziegler's book, which made it more interesting to learn and read. Works cited by Bentley, Jerry H. and Herbert F. Ziegler. Traditions & Encounters: a global perspective on the past. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.PBS. "The Roman Empire: In the First Century. The Roman Empire | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS, 2006. The web. March 21, 2011. .The Penn Museum. "The True History of the Ancient Olympic Games | Introduction." Penn Museum - Penn Museum. Penn Museum. Internet. March 21. 2011. .