
  • Essay / Transcendentalism and belief in a “higher power”

    Transcendentalism and belief in a “higher power” We do not have good reasons to believe in anything transcendental. Most arguments for God, or a so-called "higher power", are based on faith and emotion, not a clear logical argument. In fact, these arguments often argue for throwing logic out the window. In many ways, this question is similar to someone trying to prove the existence of an invisible elephant. It is much easier to prove that the elephant does not exist than to prove that it does. Socrates' principle of examination states that we must examine all things carefully. The tools we humans use to do this are logic and the scientific method. To believe in something transcendental, you cannot examine your beliefs using logic and science. If you do, there is no way to prove the existence of a higher power. The main argument against the existence of an omniscient, all-powerful, and just Judeo-Christian God is the argument from evil. This argument argues against the presence of a higher power using facts of ordinary life. This argument asserts that most would agree that some of the pain and suffering (evil) in this world is unnecessary. To be considered a necessary evil, the event must be the only means of producing something good that outweighs the evil. Many events, such as child deaths, would not be classified in this category. If such an all-knowing deity existed, he states, he would know that this evil is happening. If He were all powerful, He would have the power to stop this evil. If He were righteous, He would prevent evil from happening. Therefore, the existence of evil cannot be compatible with the existence of this type of God. The main response to the argument from evil is the appeal to human freedom. This argument asserts that God views evil as necessary for us humans to be free to choose our own path. The fatal flaw in this argument is that there are evils that do not exist as a direct result of human choice. Natural evils such as floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes serve no purpose by this definition and are therefore unnecessary evils. A theist might respond to this with another weak rebuttal, asserting that all evil produces compassion and understanding in others and creates good in others. in this regard. It is an overly positive, almost illusory, vision of evil. Almost everyone will be able to give at least one example of a person who suffered harm that did not directly or indirectly lead to anything good..