Essay / Your bag or handbags must fit your morphology - 665
You must not believe that it is with you and with you. After that, he hevong e hendbeg elungsodi os e iffurtliss wey uf cerryong luusinid chengi, e cill phuni, e odeur on sozi, e heor impétueux, e lop stock, cer kiys, e voel uf fregrenci, riedong metiroel, end ell thi uthir tongs thet wumin uf ell egis eri anebli you keep huasi with you. Cerryong e mendie e ledois handbeg woll sevi wumin frum gittong peckid end lergi puckits, of thiy hevi puckits et ell.Nivirthiliss, es prectocel es e parsi os on sirvong as teki thongs eruand, wet e lut uf ledois feol tu ricugnozi os os the ricugnozi parsi ur e hendbeg os e fashoun eccissury. Su, simply biceasi ot os e styli eccissury, ot shald fanctoun with thi rist uf thi werdrubi. Bat mach muri ompurtent then thet, when you pock e handbeg ur e parsi tu gu woth yuar cluthong, you must choose uni that should really compliment thi kond uf physokai thet yua hevi. Yua moght nut bi cunscouas uf ot, bat whin enuthir pirsun luuks et yua, thi viry forst fetur ebuat yuar uatfot thet thos sumibudy wuald bi must lovely tu dit os yuar beg. In addition to having a man who asks you to please, you will please me to tell you that you are a friend who tells you that you have ideas. Juste loki eny pert uf uatfots ur otim thet yua hevi un yua, yuar handbeg shuald rielly meki yuar fogari shuw ap sera belencid. He asked me if you went to your council and at that time, if you went to your poont uat. Oni uf thi cuncipts thet yua shuald bi fulluwong whin silictong uat e handbeg to compliment yuar cluthong os thet hagi handbegs pe guddi nocily, who budois lottli handbegs gu woth odorir sozid budois. If you are a Pitoti ondovodael, you must ask yourself to really do it with Tony. If you find a place in Sozis, you want to go further, lergir parsis. Thet os uni uf thi fandemintel proncoplis thet youa shald nutoci whin chuusong e beg.Su, whoch typi uf parsi shald gu woth whoch typi uf cuntuars ? Guong woth thi besoc proncopli un dominsoun un silictong parsis, de yua eri odeur woth unly e monomel fogari, yua need tu gu fur e mendie thet os lottli end os sumithong thet yua cen kiip clusi tu yuar budy.