Essay / Difference between conventional and conventional...
It is estimated that 37 farmers leave the land every day to continue their research in different fields (Herro 2006). The decline of rural farmers is due to the consequences of the industrialization of agriculture. Only 1 per cent of the UK workforce is now employed in agriculture, compared to 35 per cent last century (Herro 2006). Many of these workers are aided by better technologies that can do the same work at a faster, more efficient pace. On the contrary, organic farming relies more on humans for knowledge, daily monitoring and production. A study by the Soil Association shows that organic farming can potentially create 32 per cent more jobs per farm than conventional farming in the UK (Herro 2006). However, critics argued that human labor would cause food prices to rise, making this change unfeasible. But while this may be true in developed countries, a large-scale shift to organic farming in developing countries, where labor costs much less than pesticides, can lead to much higher profits. for farmers. Organic farming attracts younger employees than any other industry. Currently, the average age of conventional farmers is 56 years (Herro 2006). If a large-scale shift to organic farming were to occur, it would attract a more dynamic and enthusiastic and food-conscious workforce than older generations, creating a platform.