Essay / Should marriage for same-sex couples be legal in the United States...
Marriage as it is generally defined is the union between a man and a woman. However, a recent debate over same-sex marriage has sparked a national debate that has reverberated through the halls of Congress, the White House, dozens of courtrooms and state legislatures, and has also become a speech topic for election campaigns at state and national levels. and state levels. While debate over this controversial topic rages, the American religious community's views on the subject remain deeply divided on the issue and the morality of homosexuality in general. Granting the legal right to marry gays and lesbians would primarily change the idea of marriage, ignore a child's right to a father and mother, and expand government control over marriage. Although supporters of same-sex marriage will argue that they want to have the legal right to same-sex marriage because they want to have a stable, caring relationship and want to start a family with someone. I think their argument can be seen as flawed for the simple reason that they are not able to find convincing reasons why same-sex marriage will not only benefit them, but will have an impact on children and marriage in society. in its entirety. If the law granted gays and lesbians the right to same-sex marriage, it would weaken traditional family values. Marriage is considered the building block of our society and the traditional marriage of man, woman and children is what makes our society strong and keeps it alive. Since marriage is an institution that all states inherited rather than created, states should therefore not create new or different laws for an institution that predates even the founding of America......mid paper... ...requires same-sex couples to adopt a child, as long as the offspring's natural parents are unwilling or unable to raise the child, I do not object to same-sex couples same sex adopt the child. However, I still believe that heterosexual couples should be allowed to adopt the abandoned child rather than same-sex couples. Indeed, heterosexual couples are more likely to better simulate the heterosexual union that gave birth to the child. My argument is not based on the empirical that heterosexual couples are necessarily better at raising children than same-sex couples, but I am arguing the concept of what is right and in the best interest of the child . .thepublicdiscourse.com/2009/06/259http://pewforum.org/Gay-Marriage-and-Homosexuality/An-Argument-Against-Same-Sex-Marriage-An-Interview-with-Rick-Santorum.aspx