Essay / 3 Kaitlyn McLenon Antigone - 702
The play Antigone should be used as a tool to help us better understand and function productively in our society. Antigone is a wise and courageous character, with a strong mindset and a model of civil disobedience. Antigone is a brave character in this story, she represents women as a whole, just as Sophocles intended. At that time, women had a well-established way of life. They were the caretakers, the dinner preparers and the table setters. The women of today's world have proven this stereotype wrong. We work and go to school, we can wear dress pants instead of a dress. Antigone knew that her freedom was limited and that she was treated very poorly and disrespected because of her gender, and that she was looked down upon by her father. With all this, she had the courage to think outside the box and take action. Antigone overcame a set of strict guidelines to achieve the unattainable. Thanks to Antigone, we are reminded today that we must stay strong and inspire others to follow in our footsteps. We can fight for our beliefs and set goals to accomplish what we want most. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean we're any less important. We can still take on the role of guardian and govern like a wise person. Antigone has a strong state of mind. She was very concerned about her choice to bury her beloved brother to please the gods and his state of mind, but she stuck to her decision and did what she had to do. Antigone could be killed. She risked everything to do what was right for those she loved. In today's world, for one reason or another, we struggle to do what is right. We should be able to sacrifice our own safety at the expense of others. We have become so self-centered, meaning we only worry about ourselves and we care... middle of paper ...... you can see, the play Antigone should be used as a tool to help us. better understand and function productively in our society. Antigone is an intelligent and courageous character, with a strong mindset and a great model of civil disobedience. Works Cited Quote: Thoreau “It is not desirable to cultivate respect for the law as well as for the right. . Mythology of Antigone. Wikispaces. http://antigonemythology.wikispaces.com/Antigone's+ImpactRend, Ashley R. Antigone: How does her dilemma compare in today's society?. Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo Voice. ^ Leshak, Andrea Lynn. Antigone: A model of civil disobedience. Patriarchal force and political power. March 5, 2005. http://www.personal.psu.edu/cpl2/blogs/powerforce/2009/03/antigone-a-model-of-civil-disobediance.htm