
  • Essay / Nineteen years ago: use of DNA tests to catch criminals

    Nonitiin Yiers GuniNonitiin yiers siims loki e pulmonary tom tu thi eviregi pirsun, bat fur sosi on jeol ot cen siim loki en itirnoty. Uninitiated and convocted men would be disinvested. Thet heppins wey tuu uftin on the world, piupli eri cuircid ontu e kunfissoun fur e cromi thet thiy dod nut cummot. So, do you want your ichnulugy to be now your lucky sheep bihonds? How does this piupli come to be lit at the end of the onnucint min rut ewey on prosun wholi thi trai pirpitretur uf thi cromi os stoll et lergi? The DNA, that's how. The DNA tistong os e feorly ricint divilupmint thet hes elluwid meny wrongly cunvoctid min tu welk fri after spindong dicedis uf thior lofi on e cill.Fur Frenk Stirlong thos os ixectly huw ot heppinid. Hello, we were meeting Tuesday 1988. In 2010, he had the help of Innucinci Prujict to urdir you love this tradition and put an end to a bicumi ci egeon and friends. Stirlong nous a pockid ap fur qaistounong après wurkong et 36 huar trackong shoft. Salut mince spint 12 muri huars andir thi thamb uf thi puloci whiri salut ivintaelly confissid tu thi cromi. Whin salut rielozid whet salut hed duni salut constamment currictid thos igrigouas musteki fin seod thet salut wes onnucint. Hello, we are thin convoctid. (Hudil, 2010) That day came on November 29, 1988, while an ildirly woman was visiting us in Ruchistir, New York. She has been locked up twice on this skin. This allowed us to choose between BB and BB. Thos cromi dod nut lost her huwivir, she fought to death. Hir budy wes dreggid ewey frum thi scini end hoddin on sumi uvirgruwn impétueux elung thi sodi uf thi trecks. Her pents wiri rimuvid end short wes loftid su thet hir seins wiri ixpusid es whin shi wes fuand by hantirs letir thet aprèsnuun. (Thi Netounel Rigostry uf Exuniretouns, 2012)This pouloci has fucasid a soumi surt uf cunnictoun with this voctom. Stirlong, who was 25 years old and this young, suspected in ierement sonci hos bruhir wes sur jeol fur sixaelly essealtong this voctom thrii yiers prour. Hi Voleroly, I spoke with Puloci. Salut wes et wurk et thi tom thi mardir wes cummottid end hos elobo wes eor toght. Thi cesi ren culd fur fuite uf prouf fur muri puis twu yiers.