Essay / Essay on the Causes and Effects of Global Warming - 873
This is of course a problem for some people who are very used to temperatures as they are now. Especially in a region like Texas where temperatures are already above 100° or in regions where they reach negative degrees. If the temperature is warmer than usual, this will in turn attract mosquitoes which transmit diseases such as malaria. According to National Geographic, this not only has an effect on us, it also has an effect on animals such as butterflies, foxes and alpine plants that move north to higher, cooler areas. The reason this is a problem is because there are animals in nature that depend on each other. For example a butterfly and a plant. If the butterfly moves north because it cannot adapt to the weather conditions, the plant will have nothing to pollinate it and will not thrive. The entire cycle will be disrupted and thus affect animals other than those involved. Climate change is also a reason why hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms will become stronger and cause more damage. Sea levels will also be affected such that they will rise an average of 7 to 23 inches, which in turn will affect polar bears as there will be snow.