Essay / A Quick Overview of Credit Facilities - 858
Since the concept of using money was first introduced since ancient times to replace the barter system, the importance and popularity of money grew rapidly. The role of money has currently evolved to the point that different countries have their own unique monetary value and most products can only be purchased with money. Due to the increasing role of money in human life, some money-related services intended to help human beings have increased. Some examples of services are bank deposits, withdrawal facilities, debit services and credit facilities. Credit facilities provide services that allow users to spend “future money,” meaning they will be able to enjoy the fruits before they plant them. Various choices of credit facilities are widely available in human life due to the high requirements, easy profit and its support to learn how to manage daily finances. Many people apply for credit facilities because of their convenience. Credit cards are one of the credit services widely accepted by users. By owning at least one credit card, users can avoid the risk of holding excess cash that does not affect the usual purchase rate. Additionally, credit card users can also purchase extremely expensive items and only have to pay in installments. One study shows that even 76% of college undergraduates have their own personal credit card (Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, 2012). Some businessmen like to offer credit facilities in exchange for high and easy profits. For most other types of businesses, profits come from exchanging products or services for money. However, credit facilities such as moneylending centers earn profits from the interest of the loan. Therefore, unlike other types of activities, the medium of paper should always be concerned and balanced separately to avoid suffering more negative effects. Works Cited http://search.proquest.com.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/docview/322235565/fulltext/13DB790470616A79092/4?accountid=10382 http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp ?file=/2013/3/30/nation/12907653&sec=nation http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/6/2/nation/4024540&sec=nation http://www .bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-22171325 http://www.statisticbrain.com/credit-card-ownership-statistics/ http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp? file=/2012/11/23/nation/12361423&sec=nation http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/8/13/nation/22069491&sec=nation http://fox2now. com/2013/05/06/bill-could-allow -missouri-gamblers-to-get-loans-from-casinos/ http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/149475/credit_cards/dealing_effectively_with_credit_card_debt.html