Essay / Experiential Learning at Fitness Club - 2187
The aim and purpose of this report is to evaluate and describe experiential learning and focuses closely on the type of organization, management structure and process implied. Experiential learning is a process designed to get the most out of the experience while performing it. And it is integrated into learning strategies and different teaching approaches. Burned (1989) Kolb explains four phases in the experiential learning process: Experience, reflective observation, analysis, and active implementation. Kolb (1984) Bandura explains that learning is an experience that is learned by watching others and then doing it, which then provides the learner with an image and desire for such behavior and it will then function as a guide for the learner. Bandura (1997). Bandura points out that there are four processes involved, which are unwelcomely involved in observational learning Processes of attention, retention, motor reproduction and motivational learning Bandura (1997)There are several theories on how from which people learn. Recently, cognitive and social learning theories have been greatly influenced. According to Burn, motivation is his clear definition of learning. It is clear that learning results in permanent change in behavior, including both internal processes and observable activities such as attitude, thinking, and emotions. Burned (1989) 1.1 Introduction to the company The organization in which I worked My internship is in a health club, the (FHC). It is located in a busy area of London, its location is closer to the main shopping center where it is easily accessible for commuting, and it is also located next to the big supermarket so it can be seen by many shoppers, the price of the gym is reasonable...... middle of paper ......es.htm> [September 3, 2008]Lindeman, ECL, (1926), The Meaning of Adult Education, New Republic, New York. Hargie, O (2006) The Handbook of Communication Skills, East Sussex, Routledge, third edition. Honey, p. & Mumford, A. (1992) The Handbook of Learning Styles. Pub. Peter Honey, Berkshire.Inhelder and Piaget, (1958), cited in "Children's Cognitive and Language Development", Gupta, P and Richardson, K (1995), Blackwell Publishers Ltd in association with the Open University.Kolb. D A. (1986) The User's Guide to the Learning Style Inventory: A Manual for Teachers and Trainers. McBer & Company. Boston, MA. Malcolm Knowles, M.S. (1973). The adult learner: a neglected species. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company. Revised edition 1990. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). The mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press cited in Eysenick (2000)