Essay / Torture should only be used in emergency situations
Torture is the act of causing intense physical pain as a form of punishment or as a means of forcing someone to do or say something” (Merriam Webster). Torture is a very controversial subject in today's society. In some ways, torture can be considered evil and satanic. On the other hand, torture can be seen as beneficial and favorable. In the United States of America, torturing for one's own pleasure is inhumane and shunned by many Americans, but is torture effective? Depending on the situation, this may be the case. Let's say a very sadistic person tells you that they have your best friend in one of two buildings and that in sixty seconds both buildings will collapse. Would torturing this sadistic person be effective in obtaining information about the building your loved one was in? Torture should only be used in the war on terror, life or death situations, and important issues involving our country. First, Richard Posner wrote in the New Republic in 2002 that "if torture is the only way to obtain the information necessary to prevent the detonation of a nuclear bomb in Times Square, torture should be used" (Ghosh, per 4). Indeed, torture should only be used in emergency situations. Bobby Ghosh explains how Ali Soufan, now an international security consultant, thinks about interrogation techniques. The methods used by the US military under the George W. Bush regime are “borderline and un-American torture” (Ghosh, para. 4). Torture has been constantly discussed over the years since 9/11. knew this plan in advance, they could obtain information about where these tragic events would take place. They could get information by torturing the culprits and getting the information middle of paper..... .Unfortunately, some cannot break under torture. In conclusion, torture is not a 100% effective interrogation strategy when attempting to obtain information from suspects. Torture can have an intense and negative psychological appeal. “But it is worth asking whether the use of torture is truly motivated by the desire to obtain valuable information, or by the desire to overcome a sense of powerlessness and reestablish control, or even by a fundamental desire to revenge” (Costanzo). On the negative side, torture is a very controversial topic and should not be taken lightly. In the future, interrogators should consider other interrogation techniques and also include torture. Torture should be used as a last resort when attempting to obtain information. Finally, torture may be justified in certain situations such as the war on terrorism, life or death situations, and important issues involving our country..