Essay / Enhancing Applications of Virtual Reality in Education
Virtual reality defined as producing and creating the effect of an interactive 3D world in which objects have a sense of spatial presence using computer technologies. Our perceptual and cognitive system will be presented by precise cues so that our brain can interpret and understand these cues as an external object in the 3D world. Additionally, VR suggests many benefits for technical education, such as delivering information through multiple active channels, accommodating different learning styles, experience-based learning, etc. . (Bell and Fogler, 2004, p 217). Educational and preparation resources that can be used in a virtual reality environment are increasing as the demand for innovative technologies increases significantly. For example, not all students can understand what they learned in class using the traditional method, but they do not convey the best of their learning in all subjects. In other words, a student can understand the theory and concept of certain subjects like mathematics and science, but he cannot understand their applications. Therefore, the motivation behind this study is to get the real environment to study in order to improve students' understanding of certain topics. As Bell and Fogler (2004) state: Traditional methods do not provide optimal and optimal learning for all students in all subjects, even if they do not meet the needs of students in many subjects. By reaching more students and subjects, Virtual Realty offers the opportunity to provide technical education that traditional methods do not offer. At the same time, the range of tools available to modern educators is expanding. However, it is important not only to produce and......paper......of life. In addition, to create an illusion, the field of vision must be sufficiently wide. Abdul Kader (2008) stated that for the user to receive more attention, the developer must customize the virtual reality. This can be implemented by asking the user how to make it and asking them to choose the required materials. The desired experiments are then prepared. In addition to this, software for student experimentation offered by virtual reality. Students can experiment, play and explore new configurations of chances and choices. According to Pham-Sy Quy, Jun Lee, Jung Ho Kim, Jee-In Kim and Hyung Seock Kim (2009), the application of virtual reality in education will be expanded by developing new interfaces to communicate between Second Life and d other VR applications. For example, a proposed system allowing other developers to apply the VR education system to their own applications is developed..