Essay / IRP Notes Package - 1657
Disgrace is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as a “loss of reputation or respect resulting from a dishonorable action”. The word Disgrace has two subtly different meanings: it can be used either as a noun or as a verb. A person can be disgraced (noun) or a person can disgrace themselves or others (verb). Either way, it implies that a dishonorable event has occurred and casts a shadow over a person or group of people. A dictionary definition can't really express the meaning of the term "shame." As is the case with many words in the English language, the term “shame” has a highly elusive nature. This is partly due to the negative connotations associated with it and, therefore, the subtle nuances it evokes when used. In the context of the first 50 pages, the title could refer to the act and the consequences of the unfolding affair. between David Lurie and Mélanie Isaacs. In fact, Lurie's ex-wife says the event "is disgraceful from start to finish." Shameful and vulgar too. (45). Let me return to the definition of disgrace as “a loss of reputation or respect resulting from a dishonorable act.” We see every aspect of the definition in this event. This indeed brought Lurie a loss of respect and reputation. Mélanie loses all respect for him (37 years old), the students no longer attend his classes and his colleagues are cold towards him (42 years old). This affair ultimately leads to him losing his job. The title could also refer to the state that Lurie lives in - the state of growing old and still pursuing younger women. Coetzee suggests in the very first chapter that “…growing old is not a matter of grace” (9). After having disappointing sex with a co-worker, Lurie remarks that castrating himself would be "an ugly sight, but no uglier, from a certain... middle of paper... up to rape culture." Another shocking quote from Lurie comes when he tries to seduce Melanie for the first time. He states that “…a woman’s beauty does not belong to her alone… She has a duty to share it. » (16) This idea that a woman has a “duty to share” her beauty with men is another concept reminiscent of rape culture. It's no great mystery why my peers and I couldn't immediately identify why Melanie remained silent for so long. We students living in Canada are not as exposed to rape culture as those living in countries like South Africa and India, where this ideology permeates every institution.11 Interestingly that many countries where rape is endemic were at one point. colonized point. I wonder if there is a correlation between being a colonized country and a country that takes a nonchalant attitude towards sexual assault..