
  • Essay / Tribalism versus globalism: a threat to democracy. The...

    Tribalism (Jihad) versus globalism (“McWorld”): a threat to democracy?The cases of Saudi Arabia and EgyptDifferent developments on various scales make the world the place of multiple thoughts due to different impressions of human beings. Pessimistic impressions are frequently formed when two phenomena become polarized. Thoughts are referred to as contradictory when these two phenomena are viewed as factors that have the capacity to threaten the phenomena when placed in opposing positions. The meaning of concepts changes depending on followers who believe that a particular concept should be applied in a certain sense. Notions of concepts change as various attitudes are adopted towards them. While one group of people might assume that a particular conceptualization should be considered auspicious since its auspicious sides are greater than its abusive sides, another group of people will disagree because they will have another belief that they will conceptualize it as more promising due to the fact that its favorable aspects are greater than its possible unfavorable consequences. Developments are happening since people are trying to let dominate and apply the concepts that they consider to be the most excellent for humanity. There is no political thought that can be discussed that all of humanity can agree on. This is also considered the mental analysis of why ideologies are formed that are constantly in struggle with each other (Sartori). In this essay, the focus will be on Benjamin Barber's theory which asserted that the struggle between tribalism and globalism poses a threat to democracy. This is why initially, the two concepts will be interpreted separately. The founder of the theory had in the middle...... middle of paper ...... is a reflection. Works Cited Abdullahi Ahmad An-Na'im, Islam, State and Politics: Separate but Interactive, Qatar Lectures (2007) Barber Benjamin, Jihad vs McWorld, How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World, Ballantine Books (1995) Henry Clement Moore, Springborg Robert, Globalization and Development Policy in the Middle East, Cambridge University Press (2010) Huntington Samuel, Clash of Civilizations, Simon & Schuster (1996) Kaplan D. Robert, The Coming Anarchy, the Atlantic Monthly (1994) Ritzer George, The McDonaldization of Society, Sage Publications (1993) Sartori Giovanni, Politics, Ideology and Believe Systems, University of Florence (1969) Zubaida Sami, Islam, State and Democracy: Contrasting Conceptions of Society in Egypt, MERIP (1992)