Essay / Trinity - 1168
When you think of God, do you think of a single divine entity or do you consider the age-old idea of the Trinity? We have always understood that the three individuals in God, the Trinity, are one. The teaching of the Christian Church tells us that God is made up of three unique and separate persons, but at the same time they are one person in God. Today, people have many different ways of imagining or representing the idea of three people as one. The process of history has given rise to many different ideas and images to attempt to represent the Trinity. Like many things related to the unknown nature of religion, we impose our mental limits on our ideas. This is completely natural, because it is the only way we can understand things, and we only have earthly definitions and limitations for things in the realm of this existence. McGrath quotes Charles Gore as saying, “Human language can never adequately express divine realities. A constant tendency to apologize for human speech, a great element of agnosticism, a terrible feeling of unfathomable depth beyond the little that is revealed, is ever present in the minds of theologians who know what they are talking about when 'they conceive or express God. » (McGrath, 104-5) Using this thought process, I will explain the meaning, function and significance of the Trinity. First, I will discuss the meaning of the Trinity. As I said earlier, the Trinity is the idea of three people being one. A few ways of explaining this were discussed in class. Some of these analogies involve comparing the Trinity to things like a shamrock, a chain, or three coins. These are used to try to explain it to people because they show things of a similar nature to the idea we are trying to explain. A clover is... in the middle of a leaf... God as three persons is a wonderful thing and it is something that people have been trying to explain and contemplate for as long as humanity has existed. What I said may not fit everyone's idea of how this should be explained. However, it's a combination of a lot of different ideas and the best I could try was to put it all together to try and explain this in a "universal" way. The Trinity is something that explains God to us and strengthens our religious beliefs and our minds. It makes us think and can give rise to many different ideas. We must understand that the ideas we have are all explanations of unknown things. We must use the knowledge we have, move forward and honor God by thinking of Him. One day we will understand things in a way that is clearer to us, but until then we must continue to try to understand these things as best we can..