Essay / African American Issues: Slavery and Persistent Racism
There are many issues that African Americans face in today's society, many of which I was only aware of after taking courses Africana studies. Some questions dwell on the horrific past of the transatlantic slave trade, which is not only a part of history, but also a part of African American heritage (Karenga, 2010). African Americans often face many perilous problems, such as a dire economic situation and feelings of hostility from the American cultural mainstream (Kaufman, 1971). The cultural collision between African Americans and whites continues to create several problems in society. African Americans are susceptible to racial discrimination, a reality that ultimately shapes their way of life (Hine, et. al., 2012). For many people, the term slavery suggests the enslavement of Africans transported by the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. But for Karenga, the term slave means much more. Karenga defines the transatlantic slave trade as “the Holocaust of slavery,” which is a much more powerful designation of slavery. The slave trade included the imprisonment, purchase, or return of an individual with the intent of reducing them to slavery; this included all actions involved in purchasing a slave with the intention of selling or exchanging them (Karenga, 2010). Inequalities resulting from the transatlantic slave trade continue to impact people of African descent. Even today, African Americans still feel the impact of slavery. These questions do not only concern the history of African slavery: they constitute the very heritage of African-Americans (Bogue, 1977). Growing up in a predominantly white community, I never fully appreciated the harsh reality of the transatlantic region. .. middle of paper ......ion: a history of European racism (Book Review). Commentary, 6686. Frederickson, G. M. (1977). Malthus' Legacy: The Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism (Book Review). The New York Times Book Review, 7. Hine, D., Hine, W., & Harrold, S. (2012). African Americans: A Concise History (Fourth ed.). Karenga, M. (2010). Introduction to Black Studies (Fourth ed.). Kaufman, P. T. (1971). The Political Economy of the Black Ghetto (Book Review). Library Journal (1876), 961608Shillington, K. (2005). History of Africa (second ed.). Voegeli, V. J. (1968). The Slavery Frontier: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Expansion Controversy (Book Review). The Journal of American History, 55139. Weare, W. B. (1979). The Roots of Black Poverty: The Plantation Economy of the South after the Civil War (Book Review). The American Historical Review, 841170.