
  • Essay / Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch by Merrill C. Tenney

    The Bible is more than history, however, it is a map that leads us to the words of God, and the Pentateuch in particular tells us the story of God and his plan for humanity. However, like any story, it must be questioned and examined in order to have a firm belief that the stories passed down from generation to generation are true. The history of the Pentateuch can be analyzed by dates, genealogy, archeology and traditions. The writing of the Pentateuch spanned several centuries, which is why, in an attempt to present the story, the Book of Deuteronomy will serve as a basis. Deuteronomy is said to have been written around 621 BC, making it the time of Joshua. This is because the kings of Judea and Assyria were against the work of the Deuteronomists, which was Joshua's focal point in his efforts to create a "central sanctuary" in Jerusalem where all could gather to worship the Lord. Joshua had to wait until the kings lost power before his work could be made available. Joshua and Deuteronomy determine that the sanctuary will be located in Jerusalem, whereas the Book of Deuteronomy does not refer to a central sanctuary located in Jerusalem. This inconsistency has led the highest critics to determine that the central sanctuary would have already been created when the author wrote this because Deuteronomy or any other earlier book did not.