
  • Essay / How quarks behave in science - 357

    How quarks behave in science Quarks only exist inside hadrons because they are confined by powerful force fields. We cannot therefore measure their mass by isolating them. There is no real way to determine the mass of a quark, but the quantity that scientists call quark mass is related to the equation F=ma. This will tell you how an object will behave when a force is applied. The "parameter" that scientists call the quark's mass controls its acceleration when a force is applied. It should give what would be the best match between theory and experiment for the ratio of the masses of the various hadrons and for the behavior of quarks in high energy experiments. But none of these can actually tell us the mass of quarks. Leptons are electronic type particles. They have a tau minus that resembles an electron with a mass of 1.784 GeV/c2. And its antiparticle is tau-plus it has the same mass but a negative charge. In 1995, a Nobel Prize was awarded for this discovery. Each lepton and quark carries a charge such as quantum number labels, and each has a distinct antiparticle partner with opposite values ​​for these labels. Like the antiparticle of an electron, it is a positron and has exactly the same mass as an electron but a positive charge. Charged bosons always have an antiparticle partner of opposite charge and equal mass. For zero-charge mesons with different types of quarks and antiquarks, there is an antiparticle partner that reverses the role of the quark and antiquark. Most people think of particles as protons, neutrons, and electrons as "matter" particles, and their antiparticles are then "antimatter." » The term matter is then extended to include all quarks, all negatively charged leptons, and left-handed neutrinos. Antimatter is any particle constructed from antiquarks, positively charged leptons, and right-handed neutrinos. A particle made of quarks like the baryon is called matter. Just like a particle made from antiquarks like antibaryon is called antimatter. For bosons, there is no way to distinguish matter from antimatter. When two subatomic particles approach each other, they may or may not interact with each other. It depends on how close the particles approach each other, the nature of the force between them, and luck..