Essay / Criminal law: two phases of formal criminal justice...
Some juvenile proceedings generally impose protection and treatment, jurisdiction is generally determined by age and the seriousness of the crime, juvenile proceedings do not are not considered criminal, courts cannot release reports to the press allowing identifying information, parents are heavily involved, minors are released into the custody of their parents where adults are released on their own, juveniles have no constitutional right to a trial, juveniles can be searched at school without probable cause, juvenile records are generally sealed, courts cannot sentence juveniles to an adult correctional facility, and courts Americans declared that the 8th Amendment prohibits the death penalty. The treatment of juvenile offenders uses the rehabilitation method to attempt to modify behaviors using therapeutic, educational or vocational programs. The monitoring of the individual is carried out through the integration of the agent responsible for the minor's file, the parents of the minor and the school in which he resides. The three procedures that take place in a minor's case are the initial hearing, the adjudication hearing or fact-finding hearing, and the judgment which takes into consideration the minor's possible decisions. Disposition outcomes occur when a hearing is conducted by juvenile judges who determine the most appropriate outcomes for the