
  • Essay / Do Video Games Cause Bad Behavior - 1408

    One of the most debated topics today is whether violent video games cause bad behavior. This topic has been the subject of research for almost 30 years and there are still great differences of opinion. Many psychologists argue that violent video games cause bad behavior and argue that games such as Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto, and Modern Warfare desensitize people to violence, making it a norm in society. Others disagree, saying that these games, although they can be very violent, can help people develop critical thinking skills. (Non-violent video games are preferred for this, however). The truth is that violent video games do both; Studies have indicated that certain games increase aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the long and short term. But studies also show that some benefits include visual attention at the periphery of a computer screen, improved contrast sensitivity in adults, and some games require teamwork, which helps develop communication skills. collaboration. Why do some people love video games while others despise them? Before, video games could cause many problems and many benefits, which is why people either love them or hate them. Video games are very repetitive, and that's what makes them such good teachers. Douglas Gentile, author of the article “Video games affect the brain, for better and for worse,” says: “. . . repetition is a prerequisite for long-term potentiation – the strengthening of brain-cell connections (synapses) through repeated use that is thought to underlie memory storage and learning. That being said, violent video games that involve strategy may increase the number of critical thinkers in the world. However, the fact that video games have such a great influence on their players is exactly why so many people in society are...neither bad nor evil. Rather, it is a powerful form of entertainment that does what good entertainment is supposed to do: it influences us. » Works Cited Glazer, Sarah. Do video games have educational value? SAGE Publications., 2006. Richard Gallagher, Ph.D., interview with AOK. Video games: disadvantages and advantages (nd).Violent video games – Psychologists help protect children from harmful effects. Washington DC, June 8, 2004. Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D. FAQ on Violent Video Games and Violence in Other Media (2009). Phil, Dr. “Children and Violent Video Games.” 2009. Renolds, Rodney. Technical subjects – Children and violent video games (nd). Douglas A. Gentile, Ph.D. Video games affect the brain, for better and for worse. The Dana Foundation, 2011. Knorr, Caroline. “The 10 Most Violent Video Games (and 10 Alternatives).” common sense media, 09.