Essay / Lucid Dreaming - 2222
Dreams are a largely unexplainable phenomenon that occurs during sleep. They can be fascinating or terrifying, clear or faint. We know that everyone dreams during the night (Kau), and that we can be capable of having up to four to six dreams in a single night (Schneider and Domhoff); however, many people have no memory of these dreams coming true. Some people, on the other hand, are able not only to remember them, but also to be aware of them as they occur. A dream in which the dreamer is conscious during at least part of the dream is called a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming can be an exhilarating experience, although it can be very difficult to master. Dreams have played an important role in culture and religion (Schulze). For example, the Old Testament contains many references to dreams and visions. One of the most important is the story of Jacob's ladder in Genesis 28:10-19. On his way from Beersheba to Haran, Jacob dreamed of a ladder stretching from earth to heaven. Christianity isn't the only place dreams have been mentioned in history. In ancient Egypt, dreams were considered supernatural. For them, dreams were a message from God. In ancient Greece, dreams were considered divine. Individuals often went to a specific place when they were sick until they dreamed of good health. Many Greek philosophers were also the first to believe that dreams came from our own minds. However, it was not until the French scientist Alfred Maury began his research that modern conceptions of dreams and their interpretation began. Maury deduced that dreams were the result of external stimuli. When part of his bed fell on his neck, he woke up from a dream where he had been taken to the middle of paper......iddreamlessons.com/2009/03/04/incredible-famous-dreams />.Kau, C.. Explore your dream world. NP, 2011. Web. December 7, 2011. library.thinkquest.org/C005545/>. LaBerge, A. and L. Levithon. "Lucid Dreaming FAQ. Version 2.3." The LucidityInstitute Inc. Np, January 16, 2003. Web. December 8, 2011. Schneider, A. and GW Domhoff. “Dream FAQ.” The quantitative study of dreams. University of Southern California, 2011. Web. December 8, 2011. www2.ucsc.edu/dreams/>. Schulze, Brandan. “Dreams and Dreams.” Oracle ThinkQuest. ThinkQuest, July 31, 1997. Internet. December 8, 2011. .Vandekeere, M. “Tips for Lucid Dreaming – How to Lucid Dream.” Lucid dreaming of the six basic steps. Marc Vandekeere, 2009. Web. December 7 2011. .