Essay / Essay on Gun Control in Schools - 1202
Firearms must be kept out of the reach of minors, to avoid any accidents. There have been cases where a little boy found a gun in his parents' bedroom and he didn't know what it was, so he went to his sister and then he pointed the gun at her head, he pulled the trigger and killed her. This is traumatic for someone so young, guns are not toys if you want a gun it needs to be hidden somewhere away from minors. According to Barbara Mantel. “Private sales – at gun shows, online or person-to-person – are exempt, but they can represent 30 to 40 percent of gun sales.” So according to this information, people are acquiring guns without a background check, which is bad because 30 to 40 percent of the population is buying guns without a license or anything. Maybe terrorists are part of this percentage, and they can stage something terrible, that's why it needs to be controlled, this type of sale is not safe. Some people might sell guns to a madman. Gun sales should also be controlled, so that no one can sell guns, because how can you trust someone if that person sells guns on the street. Because these weapons may not be registered and it is usually criminals who purchase unregistered weapons. According to Barbara Mantel, the author of the book Should Lawmakers Tighten Gun Restrictions? “Criminals don't register guns. This is why, even when registration is required, the police