Essay / Mass society theory proposed by William Kornhauser
Social movements are broad social alliances of people concerned with their common interest in blocking or affecting social change. According to the theory of mass society proposed by William Kornhauser, social movements are led by individuals belonging to large corporations who feel insignificant and socially detached. In addition to theory, it provides a sense of empowerment and belonging that social movement members lack (Kornhauser 1959). In other words, social movements are “society's attempts to respond to crisis situations by developing shared beliefs on which to build new foundations for collective solidarity” (Porta and Diani 2006: 7). A political party refers to an organized group of people who exercise their legal right to identify with a set of similar political goals and opinions and who seek to influence public policy by electing its candidates to public office. It represents the ideas and beliefs of a larger majority of people. Members of a political party have roughly the same political goals and interests. Furthermore, they allow the demands of their members and supporters to be taken into account in parliament and the government. New social movements focus on social and cultural issues rather than economic or political considerations. It “focuses on social mobilization through cultural innovation, the development of new lifestyles and the transformation of identities” (Postill 2012). It also brings a sense of common purpose and shared commitment that allows an activist and/or organization to see themselves as inextricably linked to each other, to strengthen broader mobilization (Porta and Diani 2006: 21) . New social movements emphasize the role of post-material... middle of article......an introduction, Malden, MA: Blackwell2. Kornhauser, W. (1959) “The Politics of Mass Society”, New York: Free Press3. Smelser, N. (1962) “THEORY OF COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR”, New York: Free Press4. Pollick, M. (March 29, 2014). What is the goal of political parties? [Online]. (URL http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-the-Purpose-of-political-parties.htm). (Assessed April 18, 2014)5. Postill, J. (February 28, 2012). NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND SOCIAL CHANGE. [Online]. (URL http://mediasocialchange.net/2012/02/28/new-social-movements-and-social-change/). (Assessed April 18, 2014)6. The Electoral Knowledge Network (2012). Parties and candidates. [Online]. (URL http://aceproject.org/ace-en/topics/pc/pca/pca01/pca01a). (Assessed April 20, 2014)7. Total Politics (1770). QUOTES. [Online]. (URL http://www.totalpolitics.com/quotes/?tag=Edmund+Burke&count=10). (Reviewed April 21 2014)