Essay / Analysis of the poem Winter Piece by Charles Tomlinson
Winter-Piece, by Charles Tomlinson, depicts the effects of the winter season; the blinds are drawn, the windows are sprayed with hail and eventually rain and snow. The violent wind closes the doors “like a gunshot”. Birds, like crows, are forced to fly away, leaving behind a home they once loved, because the cold deprives them of food. The spider ends up freezing to death, “masked by the cold,” but it doesn’t let go. Through the thick snow, the house appears behind “its holey and jagged varnish”, which underlines the sense of destruction and mutilation. This literary work has a free form and consists of only one stanza, which is why the poet does not do this. use stanza breaks, with twenty-one verses. The poem does not have any unrhymed lines, so it is not musical, which makes these lines humorless and more serious. The use of punctuation is visually translucent, due to the heavy use of commas, creating a pause in order to relax the reader, for this reason using caesura, which gives the poem a slow flow. Tomlinson works with the grammatical horn...