Essay / IUGR MODEL RATS - 727
In Table 1 I have my substance FAS, SREBP-1 and Actin and this is what I place in the wells of the gel to receive my results that I received in Figure 5. F. If you compare the primer optimization results with those of my classmates, you can see that we all have a spear of scale on our gel. Another similarity is that we were all given bands for FAS, SREBP and Actin and our cDNA showed up very well with a dark band. Figure 6 is a repeat of image F in Figure 5 and the reason we repeated this experiment was because we were trying to see what other temperatures would work for actin. Figure 7 is a Western blot of SREBP-1c and the result is quite nice. My ctDNA was visible and the liquor and Kal were very nice and dark. My classmate actually performed the CPT-1 Western Blot (Figure 8) and you can barely see any bands for the cDNA, but the actin and CPT-1 are very visible and the result is very dark. For FAS (Figure 9), licor and kal appeared a very nice and bright red and bands for cDNA are visible and actin is also visible. For the PPARα western blot, we have beautiful groups for Cdna, Actin and kal. If you compare Figures 7 to 10, you can see a resemblance between kal, licor and actin, which appear better than cDNA. If the cDNA doesn't show up very well, we may need to increase the amounts of cDNA we place in the wells. Figure 11 shows the PPARα and Qpcr Western Blot. For the Western blot, there is no significant difference in the PPARα protein but for the qPCR, the analysis shows that there is a significant increase in IUGR compared to the control by approximately 3 times. For the Western blot in Figure 12 of PEPCK, there is a significant increase in IUGR compared to the control. For PEP...... middle of paper ......0.1055/s-2003-397814. White, Brett, MD. Dietary fatty acids. 8/2013. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2009/0815/p345.html. Los Angeles, California. 80(4):345-350.5. Brandt, Mark, Ph.D. Introduction to Lipid Metabolism. 2000-2003. http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~brandt/Chem330/Lipid_metab.pdf6. Claudio Souza, Marisa Frederico, Gabriella Luz, Dennys Cintra, Eduardo Ropelle, José Pauli and Licio Vellosos. Intense exercise reduces hepatic glucose production by inhibiting the Foxo1/HNF-4α pathway in insulin-resistant mice. 5/2010. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2911223/. 588 (part 12): 2239-2253.7. No author. Liver function, facts, anatomy and disease. Web.2/2014. .8. No author. Metabolic functions of the liver. Internet. 4/2014. http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion/liver/metabolic.html.9. Excel Charts/Charts