Essay / Reflecting the diversity of students in the classroom
There were students with reading difficulties, writing difficulties, and lower-level comprehension skills. The teacher used various techniques and strategies in daily activities and during teaching hours to reach everyone. One student I noticed was W. Hernandez, a Hispanic second grader. He lives in Fort Valley, Georgia, with his parents who emigrated to the United States. They speak little English and work on a farm mentioned several times by Hernandez. I started to notice it around the second week of class. I was assigned the task of helping students in their reading groups and this group is made up of students who were reading at a first grade level. Hernandez read very fluently and if he didn't pronounce a word, he would pronounce it without using context clues to try to understand the word. Also when reading aloud, he showed that his comprehension skills were at grade level based on the questions asked based on what he had read. However, when it comes to writing, he has difficulty forming letters and completing homework. Because of his