
  • Essay / Education Article Reviews - 1080

    The Smart Classroom professional development framework consists of three levels of ICT qualifications that teachers can hold, namely the ICT Certificate, the Digital Pedagogy License and the Pedagogy License advanced digital technology. As a group, we discussed what knowledge we would need and the benefits of completing the framework. We discovered that we needed to understand that ICT could be used to enhance and benefit both learners and teachers through its integration across all KLAs. As a pre-service teacher undertaking the certificate, our group discussion is impacting my classroom teaching by pushing me to use more technology in my teaching to improve children's learning. Reading 2 was for a Science-Sose unit about dinosaurs and discovering where they went. During a group discussion, we all agreed that the teacher who had written this unit had been meticulous in her planning and had thought long and hard about the extent to which she wanted technologies to be involved. We all found this to be a good example of technological unity. I learned from the group discussion as well as the reading that there are many different ways to integrate technology into a classroom unit of work. This new knowledge of more hands-on activities is something I would like to incorporate into my future class or hands-on class this semester. Reading 3 covers practical ideas for teachers in grades 4-9. The group all agreed that these activities were creative and fun and were ideas that we would enjoy and could include in our future high school classes. There are twenty-eight activities included in this reading, all of which could be taught in grades 4-9 and some that could be taught beyond to 12th grade. Some of these helpful lesson ideas will be incorporated into my future classes. The final reading for the first week was Practical Ideas for P-3 Teachers, this text contained twenty-eight technology activities. During the discussion, we all came to the same point of view as reading three, that the activities were educational, fun, and easy to incorporate into our middle school classes. This article proves that learning can be fun by integrating technology into general lessons, it also gives ideas on how to do it. Using the sample lessons from this reading, ICT will be integrated into most, if not all, of my lessons. WEEK 2Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in TeachingIs an article about how teaching was before and up to the year. 1986.