
  • Essay / hjfyf - 1087

    Schumacher writes: “However, belief or disbelief is not the issue here. The fact is that without the qualitative concepts of "higher" and "lower" it is impossible to think of guidelines for life that lead beyond individual or collective utilitarianism and selfishness. » The meaning of this quote applies to the concepts of philosophical maps, levels of being and adequatio. Schumacher is basically trying to imply that without understanding the higher or lower conscious being, we may not be fully capable of understanding the guidelines for a fulfilling life. The philosophical map concepts discussed in the first chapter highlight what goes into a philosophical map and what doesn't. In the book “A Guide for the Perplexed” by Schumacher, the author tries to explain in the first chapter what a philosophical map is. He says that in life, what we can see before our eyes is not on the maps. The author believes that historically famous scientists devoted their time and wealth to non-existent things. That people spend their wealth on gods, which he says is unintelligible: "An enormous amount of hard-earned wealth has been squandered throughout history for the honor and glory of imaginary deities, not only by my European ancestors, but by all people, in all regions of the world. the world, at any time” (Schumacher, 2). Back then, people didn't know about natural selection or evolution, so people created myths that the gods were the creators. The author says that the map does not show unorthodox events and theories in medicine, agriculture and different fields such as paranormal activities. That philosophical maps “real knowledge, designed for real life, showed nothing except things that could supposedly be proven... in the middle of a paper... just an object. Schumacher explains that this is how data distinguishes between perception and interpretation. Let the mind always strive to put things into perspective even if all the data is not there. That the meaning of an object can only be known by the one who knows the object. He also goes on to explain that data is seen by those with less intelligence as not being errors but rather as an inadequate view of reality. This relates to the quote because by understanding the higher and the lower here we know that the higher intellectual will have the true sense of reality and will be able to determine the deeper meaning than an inferior intellectual would have a vision very limited from reality. Without this determination, it would be impossible to think of the tricks mentioned by the quote, because only with a true sense of reality can guidelines really be established..