Essay / Meaning of Atzlán: Symbolism and Symbolism
Atzlán is an important symbol in art, folklore, music, poetry, dance, sculpture and theater. It represents cultural identity, values, activism, history and the fight for parity. In Chicano Poetics, Alfred Arteaga writes: “Atzlán aims at the homeland, the nation as a people, as a state. It offers intertwined history and myth when present. It provides the defining principle in the present and gives an idealized state in the future. As such, it functions as a national myth. » Atzlán is often used as a literary device to refer to the territory unjustly conquered by the United States in Mexico. Latinos function as a diasporic population in relation to Atzlán. Their homeland was appropriated by the “gringo” and, by extension, their national territory too.